Who Killed Kennedy?
Peter Schultz
The Bay of
Pigs invasion was a set up to force Kennedy to send “in the Marines” to rescue
what was going to be and what was intended to be a failed invasion. From David
Talbot’s book The Devil’s Chessboard:
“But, as usual,
there was method to [Allen] Dulles’ seeming carelessness. It is now clear that
the CIA’s Bay of Pigs expedition was not simply doomed to fail, it was meant to fail. And its failure was
designed to trigger the real action – in all-out, US military invasion of the
island. Dulles plunged ahead with his hopeless, paramilitary mission. . .
.because he was serenely confident that in the heat of battle, Kennedy would be
forced to send the Marines crashing ashore. Dulles was banking on the young,
untested commander in chief to cave to pressure from the Washington war
machine, just as other presidents had bent to the spymaster’s will.” [p. 400]
There were
two investigations of the debacle in the Bay of Pigs, one chaired by General
Maxwell Taylor and the other by Lyman Kirkpatrick, a CIA official. Both
investigations laid the blame on the CIA and not the White House, although
Dulles had been attempting through the media to lay blame on Kennedy. Again,
from Talbot:
succeeded in suppressing the Kirkpatrick Report; it would remain locked away
until the CIA was finally compelled to release it in 1998. But as word spread
in Washington circles about the harsh report, it added to the anti-Kennedy
passions flaring within the CIA.
“The Bay of
Pigs debacle produced ‘stuttering rage’ among CIA officers aligned with Dulles,
according to CIA veteran Joseph B. Smith. . . .’I had the feeling all those
[agents] there felt almost that the world had ended. . . .’ In August months
after the failed venture, when Ralph McGehee returned from Vietnam, he too
found the CIA in turmoil. Rumors spread that Kennedy was going to exact his
revenge by slashing the CIA workforce through a massive ‘reduction in force,’
code-named the ‘701 program’ by the agency.
Kennedy’s ax did fall, McGehee was stunned by the carnage. ‘About one of every
five was fired. The tension became too much for some. On several occasions, one
of my former office mates came to the office howling drunk and worked his way
onto the 701 list.’
Anti-Kennedy rage inside the CIA headquarters also reverberated at the
Pentagon. ‘Pulling the rug [on the Bay
of Pigs invaders],’ fumed Joint Chiefs chairman Lemnitzer, was ‘absolutely
reprehensible, almost criminal.’ [p. 411]
And around
the same time, an attempted coup against de Gaulle in France, a coup that
involved some support from some officers in the CIA, led to Kennedy once again
challenging the CIA. The attempted coup involved officers in the French
military who were opposed to de Gaulle’s policies to end the war in Algeria and
to grant Algeria its independence. “The savage passions of the war in Algeria
had deeply affected [Maurice] Challe and left him vulnerable to the persuasion
of more zealous French officers. . . .In his radio broadcast to the people of
France, the coup leader explained that he was taking his stand against de
Gaulle’s ‘government of capitulation. . . so that our dead shall not have died
for nothing.”
De Gaulle
was convinced that Challe had the support of US intelligence because “Challe
and American security officials shared a deep disaffection with de Gaulle” who
was obstructing US ambitions regarding NATO and was insisting on an independent
nuclear force for France. “In panic gripped Paris, report of US involvement in
the coup filled newspapers across the political spectrum,” while Richard
Bissell, the second in command in the CIA, had a luncheon meeting with the
“Secret Army Organization (Organisation de l’Armee Secrete, or OAS) . . . a
notorious anti-de Gaulle terrorist group….” [p. 414]
The CIA and
Dulles of course denied any involvement, a denial supported by some in the
American media like some writing for the NY Times. But “JFK took pains to
assure Paris that he strongly supported de Gaulle’s presidency. . . .” Kennedy
told the French ambassador he disavowed US involvement but also said that “’the
CIA is such a vast and poorly controlled machine that the most unlikely
maneuvers might be attempted.’” [p. 418] As Talbot puts it: This “was a
startling moment in US foreign relations,” as “Kennedy underlined how deeply
estranged he was from his own security machinery by taking the extraordinary
step of asking [ambassador] Alphand for the French government’s help to track
down the US officials behind the coup. . . .” [418] Kennedy also instructed the
US ambassador James Gavin to offer de Gaulle any support he might need,
including preventing rebel forces from Algeria from landing at US air bases in
France, an offer de Gaulle prudently refused.
It is
important to emphasize that what was in dispute here was how to deal with the
independence movements that had arisen throughout the world at that time.
Dulles et. al. viewed these movements as little more than Communist inspired
and controlled movements, part of the Soviet Union’s crusade to impose
Communism on the world. Kennedy did not see these movements as Communist
inspired but as nationalist movements seeking to throw off their colonial past.
Hence, by supporting de Gaulle and sabotaging the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba
and refusing to send in the Marines into Cuba, Kennedy was viewed by some, like
Admiral Burke, as “’a very bad president’ who ‘permitted himself to jeopardize
the nation.’” [411] This is close to
charging Kennedy with treason, a charge that carries with it a death sentence in
courts of law.
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